As per the South Korean health department, from March 1st, Chinese inbound travelers will no longer be obligated to undergo nucleic acid testing upon entry.
In recent years, China has supported the development of innovative think tanks that embody Chinese characteristics and high-end think tanks, leading to a phase of rapid growth for the think tank industry.
The US reclaimed global supercomputer leadership in 2019 with the Summit and Sierra, and China’s Sunway TaihuLight and Tianhe-2A are number 3 and 4 ranking supercomputers in the June 2019 TOP500 list.
In August 2019, Singapore and Indonesia announced two contrasting approaches to adapt to the risk of sea-level rise caused by global climate change. The lurking danger of sea-level rise is now recognized as an equally important climate change hazard.
The announcement by Facebook to launch a blockchain digital currency, Libra in 2020 opened the Pandora's box on the challenges toward currency. There was a chorus of US and international officials who voiced resistance to the tech giant operating its own digital money.