The article in the May 7 issue of The Economist on the coming debt bust of China’s financial system failed to move the RMB or other financial markets. Has there been a real change in the fundamentals of the Chinese financial system, or has the market simply changed its perception of the problem?
This latest development in solar power cost improvement is significant in the war against environment degradation as well as the global war on poverty.
China announced a plan to investigate and review the operations of all internet finance entities in the country in 2016 to stamp out shady internet finance companies.
The bottleneck facing the industry at the moment is a shortage of qualified drone pilots. The industry estimates that there is an annual requirement for 10,000 pilots but there are currently only about 1000 license holders.
With the declaration of Huawei’s ambitions in smartphones, it is only a matter of time that Huawei and Samsung will compete head on, particularly in the coming 5G smartphone era.